0800 435 772

Brexit: Preparing for the Future


£369 +VAT per person

£369 +VAT
per person

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Home > Classroom training > Brexit: Preparing for the Future

Brexit: Preparing for the Future

Course prices:

Classroom: £369 +VAT per person

This course is no longer active

Course overview

The way in which the UK trades with the EU and the rest of the world is undergoing the most radical change in modern times. How goods move across borders is changing and providing services in Europe is certain to become much more challenging. This will be the result of the new relationship that is being negotiated after Brexit between the Government and the EU that will come into force in 2021.

There are many details of the future relationship about which we already know a great deal. This practical and comprehensive one-day course uses a mix of training techniques to help you understand the many different ways your commercial environment will be transformed after Brexit. It will help you to make an informed assessment of the threats and illustrate the steps you can take now to protect your business and take advantage of the potential opportunities.

It is packed with practical advice and will equip you with in-depth knowledge and confidence to anticipate the complex issues related to your organisation and the post-Brexit trading environment. Our expert presenter will help you to identify the key elements directly affecting your business and focus attention on the relevant issues.

What is covered?

  • Identifying and analysing your business’ exposure to the EU
  • Understanding what it means to trade in goods and services with European partners as a business outside the EU
  • Understanding changes to business travel and recruiting EU nationals
  • Getting to grips with data protection and other issues post 2020
  • Accessing the right information and support to prepare your business
  • How to monitor what’s important for your business in the EU-UK trade negotiations

Learning outcomes

This course is packed with practical advice and will equip you with a solid base for future-proofing your business. As a result of this training, you will:

  • Be able to take a proactive approach to the separation process.
  • Have the knowledge and confidence to tackle the complex issues related to your company and the changing trading environment.
  • Be able to identify the key elements that will affect your business directly and pinpoint your attention on the relevant issues.
  • Be better equipped to identify political, regulatory and commercial risks and also impacts on markets.

What will you learn?

  • What do I need to know about the new UK-EU relationship?
  • What are the negotiations about and what do you need to keep an eye on for your business?
  • What does it mean to be outside the EU Customs Union and the Single Market?
  • What about trade with Northern Ireland?
  • How would recruitment of EU nationals under a new points-based immigration system work?
  • When it comes to the transport of goods, what will be the rules at the border from 2021?
  • What will be changing for eCommerce?
  • What effect will crossing the border have on the provision of services?
  • What about transporting professional equipment?
  • What do you need to know about business travel and staff mobility from 2021?
  • What do you need to know about differing labour rules, sector rules, immigration law, passporting and equivalence?
  • What about the need for an EU presence?
  • Will the General Data Protection Regulation still apply to UK businesses?
  • What is the role of Standard Contractual Clauses essential transferring data to or from the EU?
  • How long will it take for the UK to be granted ‘Adequacy’ status by the EU for data protection purposes?
  • What are the implications for UK VAT when trading under the new rules? Is Northern Ireland part of a separate VAT jurisdiction?
  • What are the consequences of the new rules for consumer rights?
  • Are the rules on protections for Intellectual Property changing?
  • What is happening to EU funding programmes?
  • How can you quickly access UK, EU and international information sources that will help during the implementation process and help you anticipate a new trading environment?
  • What are the known and unknown risks for your business and what are your risk margins?
  • How can you identify and take advantage of the opportunities presented by Brexit and a new commercial environment?

Extra benefits

  • course pack containing the information presented on the day
  • certificate of attendance
  • Complimentary refreshments and lunch provided